Michael Lee-Chin & Family Institute
The Institute’s research, education and outreach activities provide future business professionals with the techniques and expertise to assess and understand businesses and their investment opportunities.
Its mission is to advance the state of knowledge, technical skills, and discipline to understand and assess business strategies and the creation and measurement of value in an enterprise. It also disseminates these advances to academics, professionals and students.
In the fulfillment of its mission, the Institute is actively involved in education, research and outreach.
About the Institute
The Michael Lee-Chin & Family Institute for Strategic Business Studies at McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business advances knowledge and technical skills in strategic business valuation. Formerly the AIC Institute, it was renamed after the sale of AIC’s Canadian retail investment business.
Founded through the generosity of Michael Lee-Chin, a Jamaican-Canadian entrepreneur and McMaster graduate, the Institute reflects his values of commitment, discipline, and perseverance. Lee-Chin built AIC Limited, once Canada’s largest private mutual fund company, and his donation funded the Michael Lee-Chin & Family Wing, a Chair in Investment and Portfolio Management, two professorships, and student scholarships.
Led by Dr. Ronald J. Balvers, the Institute researches value creation in enterprises, equipping business professionals with expertise to assess business strategies and assets.
Mission & Vision
The Institute’s mission is to advance the state of knowledge, technical skills, and discipline for performing strategic business valuation for investment purposes. It also disseminates these advances to the academic and professional communities and students.
In support of this mission, three key objectives have been formulated for the Institute:
Encourage the development of a broad program of research on strategic business studies and the creation and measurement of value in an enterprise.
The primary means to accomplish this mission are:
– An endowed research chair
– The Michael Lee-Chin & Family Professorship in Strategic Business Studies
– A program of research grants to encourage inter-disciplinary scholarly research activities in the areas of creation and measurement of value in a business enterprise or organization
Provide future business professionals with the techniques and expertise to assess and understand businesses, business strategies, and the tangible and intangible assets that contribute to their value.
The primary means to accomplish this mission are:
– Endowed professorships
– MBA specialization in Strategic Business Valuation
– Scholarships for students in the Strategic Business Valuation specialization
– In September 2010, The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV) and the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University signed an agreement that allows MBA graduates from the School of Business who have specialized in Strategic Business Valuation to earn advanced standing in the CICBV Program of Studies towards becoming a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV)
Provide information on an ongoing basis to academic and professional communities and to students about the Institute’s programs and activities.
The primary means to accomplish this mission are:
– An Advisory Board has been formed, composed of professionals and academics with expertise and interest in the broad area of strategic business studies.
– Strategic Business Valuation was added as a theme at the 28th McMaster World Congress in January 2007.